Brief Review Of 2016’s Best Free Games For Your iPad

2016 will be over in a heartbeat and do you know what I say? Good ridden. I still believe that our children will study 2016 in schools as the worst year in pop culture history. The 6 month of digital disappointment unfulfilling trends and Mr. Donald J. Trump, brought upon us by none other than DiCaprio Oscar memes.


Luckily 2016 still had bits of decency ad most of them came from the gaming industry with massive titles like Watch Dogs 2, Skyrim Re-mastered and Dishonored 2. Mobile gaming did not disappoint us as well and several awesome free iPad games were brought to our attention.

Mobile money making

There are lots of awesome iPad games for players to earn a few extra bucks of un-taxed income.

The odds are nice, the interfaces are player-centric and game play mechanics, through slightly addictive are really fun.

Ding Dong Delivery

Did you ever dream about a flawless endless runner without menus, session stops and obnoxious ads stuck into your face? I know I have and Ding Dong Delivery served my every need. The game is really fast-paced with rather balanced dynamics.

Oh, and did I mention you will be smashing your way through the road while delivering pizza ON A TANK among other options?

The Little Fox

This game is an awesome example of how great iterations greatly benefit overall game play mechanics. The game was a pain in the neck upon release. It was literally impossible to beat some gorgeously designed levels from the start until the updates came along.

Now, after all of the new releases, I have defiantly found my perfect arcade experience of sweet looks and superb quietness.

Bushido Bear

What will happen if you mix good old ‘Fruit Ninja’ with a kawai looking Japanese bear? An awesome Teddy with a sharp sword is destined to defend the forest against unspeakable evil – endless waves of rather quite little demons.

Needless to say you will probably be engaged with assisting him for at least a couple of hours upon the initial game download. There’s just something too engaging, addictive even in the simplicity of this title.


Clash Royale

‘Plants VS Zombies’ are already a solid benchmark in the field of tower-defense games. Is it not a time for a contestant to finally surpass them? Clash Royale is definitely rising to the Zombie-killer status from initially being the dark horse.

This game rocks because two players can play against one another in a peculiar chess-based game mechanic. Select the ultimate deck of eight cards that will become your troops on the battlefield and annihilate the resistance as the one true king and champion!