NVIDIA Announces 4K Support For Destiny 2

Destiny was one of the largest new IP launches ever on consoles, and soon PC gamers

will be able to enter the Destiny universe and become a Guardian in the upcoming

sequel Destiny 2 – which will be the first Destiny game that will be available on

the PC.

Destiny 2 in 4K!

NVIDIA is Game Ready for the PC version of Destiny 2 because we know it means higher

resolution gameplay, more graphics options, advanced technologies and WASD support!

NVIDIA is giving gamers the very first look at Destiny 2 on PC in the form of two

world-exclusive 4K Screenshots captured on NVIDIA GeForce GTX GPUs!

Activision Chooses the GeForce GTX 1080 Ti to Show Off PC Gameplay For the First Time

Lots of news will be coming out of a gameplay event Activision held in Los Angeles

where press and influencers were given their first opportunity to play Destiny 2 on

GeForce GTX 1080 Ti-powered PCs.

NVIDIA is thrilled that Destiny 2 is coming to PC and excited to power PC gamers’

first Destiny 2 hands-on.

Related Links:

Download the 4K screenshots from NVIDIA’s press extranet:
