Gearbox: PAX East 2019


Gearbox Announces Borderlands 3, Releases Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition

The Chinese Zodiac may mark 2019 as the year of the pig, but Gearbox is claiming it as the Year of Borderlands. Borderlands 3 was revealed in a nearly four minute long trailer at the Gearbox Main Theater Show at PAX East. The latest installment to the popular series will be released on September 13 of this year for PS4, Xbox One, and PC on the Epic Games Store; however, it won’t be released on any other platforms for PC until April of 2020. The Borderlands 3 trailer introduces us to Moze the Gunner, Amara the Siren, FL4k the Beastmaster, and Zane the Operative, four new Vault Hunters who will duke it out with the Calypso Twins, out for the galaxy’s ultimate power. As exciting as this is, it’s only left fans itching for more but we’ll all have to wait until May 1st to see the gameplay stream.


This news is in addition to the new 4k texture packs for Borderlands: The Handsome Collection and Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition, which is now available on PS4, Steam, and Xbox One. The GOTY edition not only gets a visual upgrade, but also adds support for four-player local co-op, SHiFT player rewards, Borderlands 2-esque mini-map, better inventory, six new custom-skinned Legendary weapons, a more difficult boss battle, customizable character heads, and all the DLC (also remastered). While The Handsome Collection’s texture pack is priced at the low, low cost of free, the Borderlands: GOTY edition will run you $30. Steam users will be delighted to note that all of the GOTY edition updates will be offered for free if you already own a copy of Borderlands on the platform.



Reveal Trailer

Announcement Trailer