Here is a look at Knight Squad 2 in action. I hung back and let the A.I. battle it out before getting into the action. It reminds me a bit of Robotron and Smash TV but not as chaotic and fast.
Published September 9, 2020 by gareth
Knight Squad 2 Early Version Gameplay
Syndicated movie & game critic, writer, author and frequent radio guest. His work has appeared in over 60 publications worldwide and he is the creator of the rising entertainment site and publication “Skewed and Reviewed”. He has three books of film, game reviews and interviews published and is a well-received and in demand speaker on the convention circuit. Gareth has appeared in movies and is a regular guest on a top-rated Seattle morning show. He has also appeared briefly in films such as “Prefountaine”, “Postal”. “Far Cry”. and others. Gareth is also an in-demand speaker at several conventions and has conducted popular panels for over two decades.