Young Woman And The Sea Is A Very Moving And Inspiring Tale Of A Remarkable Achievement

I first became aware of the film “Young Woman and the Sea” during our coverage of CinemaCon as it was presented during the Disney showcase. The film was reportedly planned as a debut on the Disney+ streaming service but after positive test screenings and decided that the film would make a theatrical debut.

Daisy Ridley stars as Trudy Ederle; the child of German immigrants who overcame what was supposed to be a fatal case of measles and rose to prominence as a swimmer in an era when it was considered not appropriate for a woman to know how to swim much less compete.

Trudy’s exploits contradicted her father’s expectations that Trudy and her sister Margaret marry spouses that they selected as that was the way their father believed things were done.

Trudy goes on to compete at the Olympics despite several obstacles including a lack of training brought on by their strict seclusion during the ocean crossing and various elements who do not wish to see women competing much less succeeding in sports. It is in the aftermath of this event that Trudy decides to take on an impossible and dangerous task.

Trudy decides that she wants to attempt to swim the English Channel; which had only been accomplished by a handful of men and is considered the ultimate achievement in sports as the 21-mile swim in freezing water as well as the deadly tides, currents, and marine life make it a daunting and deadly task.

Despite being sabotaged along the way; Trudy must find her resolve and take on the seemingly impossible task of finding her place in history and in doing so; defy the societal norms and expectations of the time.

The movie was very moving and informative as while I knew of Trudy’s accomplishments in real life; I was not aware of the struggles and obstacles that she faced along the way. Ridley does a solid performance both in and out of the water as a woman trying to find her place but unwilling to accept the limitations of her gender, status, and societal expectations and one who is determined to follow and reach her goals no matter what society thinks and whatever obstacles are in her way.

The film provided a very moving and inspiring tale without becoming overly preachy or overly dramatic as it is a tale that transcends gender and time with the message to not give up on your goals and to challenge limitations and expectations that are placed upon you so that you may follow your goals to the fullest without limitations.

The fine supporting cast as well as costumes and visuals of the era captures the time nearly 100 years ago when the world was an entirely different place yet one where hopes and dreams flourished for those brave enough to risk it all to follow their dreams.


4 stars out of 5


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