The latest game in the Warhammer 40,000 franchise has arrived and Space Marine II gives fans an intense and gore-laden adventure that takes the action to new levels of intensity.
Playing as a Marine with an interesting past and a distinguished record; players take on missions from a third-person perspective similar to the Gears of War games where they take on massive waves of enemies in exotic locales.
In between missions; players will get the ability to upgrade gear, get assignments, and opt to pick their NPC companions or have real Flesh and Blood companies join the adventure.
From the gory Chainsword to Bolt, energy, and grenade weapons; players will be able to unleash the carnage as well as execution moves and gather supplies along the way.
The enemies are numerous and varied and while some gamers will perhaps get tired of wave after wave of enemies who rush straight for you; the ability to brutally and graphically thin their numbers is a real plus.
While the graphics, sound, and gameplay may seem a bit dated to the standards of the day; the game is immersive from the start and delivers lots of action and challenge as players can select the difficulty that works best for them and adjust as needed.
There are also moments where players will need to press certain keys to dodge various enemy attacks when within a clutch, but the reward of shredding them to pieces in a spray of gore can be very rewarding.
While the game is clearly aimed at those who are deep into the lore, I as a more casual player in the universe was able to jump right in and enjoy the ride from the start.
I wish that Matchmaking was a bit easier as sharing a join code is not really my thing but the A.I. units did a decent job helping out and watching my back when things got intense.
In the end; Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine II delivers action and lots of it and enough of a story to keep players motivated through the carnage and unending waves of enemies.
4 stars out of 5
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