Marvel Games Panel Featuring Stan Lee at Comic Con 2013


Even though more popular heroes were announced as new characters in the Lego Marvel Superheroes game like Dr. Doom, Jean Grey, Deadpool, even Agent Coulson, it was the enthusiastic response from the attendees of the Marvel Games panel at the the 2013 San Diego Comic-Con when Squirrel Girl was mentioned that got me curious enough to do a little research on this Marvel hero. And yes, apparently she’s a superhero of sorts with albeit bizarre and questionable abilities. A creation of writer Will Murray and artist Steve Ditko, Squirrel Girl made her debut in 1992 (Marvel Super-Heroes vol. 2, #8) then wasn’t heard from again, aside from a one-panel appearance in a Marvel book about stories that were ruled out and a mention in a Deadpool comic, until writer Dan Slott revived her in 2005.

Squirrel Girl was added to the roster of the Great Lakes Avengers, along with her sidekick Monkey Joe. “Fame” and recognition grew when she returned to Manhattan in “I Am An Avenger”, 5-part Marvel Comics story line released in September 2010. Since then she’s appeared occasionally in the “New Avengers” series as the super-powered nanny to Luke Cage and Jessica Jones daughter.

Squirrel Girl wasn’t the only one who garnered excited cheers from the crowd. The crowd clapped for Magneto, Punisher, Beast, Gambit and Green Goblin whe Arthur Parsons, Game Director, announced their addition to Lego Marvel. They hooted for Iron Patriot, Juggernaut, Rhino, The Thing, Vulture and Sabertooth as well. Even Howard the Duck’s announcement almost equaled the enthusiasm for Squirrel Girl. When Arthur introduced a bald-headed Lego characters and another slightly heftier character in an office setting, only when their human counterparts stepped onstage did the audience recognize and applaud Alonso and Joe Quesada, the Editor-in-Chief and the Chief Creative Officer of Marvel Comics respectively.

There was no hesitation when Parsons introduced a white-haired character with his trademark glasses. Everyone knew this Marvel legend and true superhero before he even stepped onstage, so when Stan Lee made his way to the podium, he received the loudest and most passionate cheers of the hour. And not only did we see what his Lego character looked like, we also got a sneak peek at is super powers. Check out the video:


There was also brief mention of a new Thor game based on the upcoming movie and some brief discussion of the new free to play Marvel MMO game.

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