Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 Nuketown Gameplay

Here is my first time playing the latest version of Nuketown on Black Ops 4. Needless to say it did not go well at all and I did poorly.

The lack of grenades really hampers my strategy as the team would toss grenades into high density areas to clear them before rushing in. Also the new armor options require more hits on target than before so you have to really nail them as 2-3 hits will not take them down.

I am sure in a day or two I will do much better when I am more used to it and will post that video here to compare.

Here is my second time playing the Nuketown map on Black Ops 4. I did not do as well as I wanted but better than my first effort.

This is my third session playing the new map for Black Ops 4 and I am starting to get it as playing without grenades is a challenge but I did much better and even was selected for the end of match shout out.