Instagram growth tips

Have you been on Instagram for a while now and just can’t seem to grow your account to the size you would like to in order to be successful? Do you have a brand-new Instagram account and want to grow it as quickly as possible but have no idea how to do this?

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms, and it can be a great way to promote your business. But with growth slowing down on Instagram, how do your stand out? There are hundreds of millions of people using Instagram and businesses have started taking note of this.

Everyone’s Instagram will go though a period of slow growth at ones point or another, and if you are new to Instagram, you might not know how to deal with it. If you need help, here are a few ways to increase growth.

Use influencers or growth service

When it comes to social media platforms such as Instagram that have such an incredibly large user base, there is no surprise that some users have managed to gain followings of millions upon millions of people. These Instagram celebrities are what we refer to as influencers. Making use of influencer or working with hem is a fantastic way to growth your account because you allow for your content to extend its reach to their much larger audience.

If you are still having trouble growing your account and gaining the right followers, ones that are real and active you could also try using a Instagram followers service like Growthoid which is an marketing service that will help you grow your account organically through various different marketing techniques.

Post often

One of the biggest tips that anyone could follow when trying to grow their Instagram account is to post often. It may seem like people just post sporadically, here and there, whenever they have new content or whenever they feel like it. In actual fact, all the most successful Instagram accounts make use of a posting schedule that allows for them to know when to post on all the various different features.

Posting often is a great way to reach the most amount of people and to be sure that your content is being spread to a larger audience. Instagram has many people posting all the time meaning that its easy for your content to be drowned out, this is why you should be posting often.

Not only should you be posting often but you should also be using the various different feature and making use of a posting schedule so that you know when to post everyday and what the best posting times are in order to reach your target audience.

Stories, reels, and live

Since its start in 2011, Instagram has gone through a multitude of changes in order to keep with Instagram the times, trends and demands of the users. In the beginning all there was, was a feed where users could post photos for their followers to see and now it is so much more than that. Instagram has since introduced a whole new variety of features and doesn’t look like it will stop any time soon.

Some of the more recent feature added to Instagram include stories, reels, and live videos. All of these are much more personal and in the moment which allow for users to become more invested in your account. This is a great way to grow your account too.

Engage as much as you can

When it comes to marketing on social media and trying to grow your account, one of the most important tips for you to follow is to engage with your followers and other users. Instagram is a social media platform where people come to socialise and be entertained and engaging with them is exactly the way to do this.

Engaging is a great way to not only encourage new people to follow you but to also give them a reason to engage with you. Instagram’s success is measured by its engagement and not by its numbers. There are so many different ways in which you can engage with your audience and other users. These include responding to direct messages, replying to comments on your content, liking, and sharing other users’ content, and even following people back or following other users that you would like to follow you

Use advertisements

Last but not least, Instagram has caught on to the fact that businesses are starting to make use of their platform more and more and are wanting to accommodate them as much as they can. In order to do this, they have introduced the option for businesses to pay for advertising. This is a great way to grow your account much quicker that if you were to do it organically.