Star Wars Battlefront: Classic Collection While Plagued By Bugs Shows Potential

The release of any new Star Wars game always comes with anticipation as although the releases have been hit and miss over the decades; there have been quite a few solid releases, especially in recent years. Excited fans were hoping that the magic from the recently updated Dark Forces release would carry over to the Star Wars Battlefront: Classic Collection as being able to play two classic games on modern configurations and enjoy updated multiplayer was seen as a win by gamers everywhere.

Unfortunately, the games have been plagued by numerous bugs that release including random crashes and drops which have hampered what has largely been a very immersive return to the classic games.
Players have the option to play as opposing forces from the original six films and can also become heroes with special abilities as they battle to eliminate other players and control strategic objectives.

What really made the games shine was a mix of campaign and multiplayer where players could start off as a ground force unit and upgrade their loadout as the game progressed or decide to take control of various vehicles and weapons emplacements to turn the tide of battle.
While the graphics and some of the gameplay were dated, it was still extremely immersive and enjoyable to have the open-world freedom that the games provided which was so advanced for their time.
While there are obvious frustrations with the current condition of the game I do believe that in time fixes will be applied to get the games close to the level that fans had anticipated.

The sheer variety of options from vehicles to battlefield settings makes the release very compelling but naturally the previously mentioned bugs greatly detract from the expectations of the potential of the release.
As it stands now; the collection comes across more as a work in progress that does show promise and hopefully will be given the attention and care that it needs to give fans the updated yet retro Star Wars experience they desire.

3 stars out of 5